The Student Conduct Policy Coalition seeks to advocate for student rights on campus and in the Georgetown community. We will work with University administrators to discuss school policies that impact student social life and how to build a campus environment that keeps students both safe and allows the exercise of student rights.
What we’ve done so far:
We are in ongoing conversations with the administration regarding the new noise policy for freshman dorms that prohibits RAs from giving noise warnings before writing students up for first time violations.
- We worked with GUPD to add an additional safe-rides van to campus, a program that is being piloted on high volume nights this semester and will be permanent starting Fall 2017.
We are involved in the interviews for the new Assistant Director for Student Conduct. We are meeting with each of the candidates to conduct a student interview and relaying student perception of each candidates to the hiring staff.
What we’re prioritizing for the rest of our term:
- We will continue working with the administration to amend the no-warning noise policy for freshman to re-instate warnings for first time offenses.
We will work with administrators to reform and promote the Home Beyond the Hilltop program that allows senior students who receive a Disciplinary Probation II sanction on their record from hosting an off-campus party (a disorderly conduct violation) to reduce that sanction to Noise violation.
- We will explore a "non-imposed sanctions" student conduct process for Georgetown, much like the process at Syracuse University in which students work through and discuss their possible sanctions with student conduct administrators before they are imposed.
We will work to mandate more visible notifications in resident halls before Health and Safety Inspections.
- We will explore the possibility of instituting an open door alcohol policy for freshman that would allow first year students to drink in their rooms without code of conduct violations if they keep their door open in an attempt to mitigate instances of sexual assault behind closed doors
Feel free to reach out to GUSA Student Conduct Chairs Madison Thomas and Brendan Keenan with questions, comments, or concerns!